Recognition, Accreditation, and Acceptance

Great Plains Baptist Divinity School is not accredited by any agency.

Great Plains Baptist Divinity School is a religiously owned school operating under South Dakota Codified Law 13-48-41 as established by, owned, controlled, operated, and maintained by a religious organization lawfully operating as a nonprofit religious institution and awarding degrees for the purpose of conferring clerical status within our faith tradition.

All Service Chaplain Corps recruiting and personnel offices are informed that Great Plains Baptist Divinity School undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate programs are approved.

Executive Director Armed Forces Chaplains Board Directive under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (April 2013)

A notice to our students.  Great Plains Baptist Divinity School and University has been recognized by the Department of Defense from April 2002 as a "Qualifying Educational Institution" under a regulation allowing all levels, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate, to be recognized for acceptance by the federal government. As of October 2016, after under going some rewrites of their regulations, caused by the evolving gender issues, the regulation under which we have been providing students access to the military service chaplaincies and into other federal agencies for the past 14 years has changed. At the end of 2016 we shifted back to the original system. Our graduates will still be able to enter the military and other federal agencies with GPBDivSchool degrees, but under the older regulation. Our recognition remains, but the graduate will now be more involved in getting approval for their degree.


Recognition and Accreditation
Yearly Format
Immersion Ministry