Great Plains Baptist Divinity School is fully owned and operated under the authority of the Empire Baptist Temple. Below are a few highlights of our statement of faith; however, our statement of faith is truly identical to that of the Empire Baptist Temple.
We believe the Bible is verbally and plenary inspired, and that it is authoritative for all faith and practice; that the King James Version is the only true and accurate translation of God's Word in the English language.
We believe in one triune God, perfect, infinite, and eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe God directly created the existing universe in six literal 24-hour days without pre-existing substance.
We believe in Jesus Christ as true God, born of a virgin, lived an absolutely sinless earthly life, died on the cross for the sin of mankind, was buried, and rose from the dead to live eternally.
We believe that man is born a sinner by nature and can be reconciled to God only through a personal repentance and faith in the shed blood atonement of Jesus Christ.
We believe the New Testament Church is a locally organized body of regenerated and Scripturally baptized persons; that all authority of God is given to His New Testament Churches for His work in this age. We do not believe in a universal church. We believe that what is commonly called such is the Family of God. We believe that the church (local only) is also called the Body of Christ.
We believe that there are two ordinances of the New Testament Church; baptism (Immersion) and the Lord's Supper (Communion). We hold to baptism among churches of like faith and practice.
We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to gather all who are genuinely saved unto Himself prior to great tribulation on earth which is to be followed by the millennial reign of Christ as King on earth.
We believe there awaits a literal hell-fire for every person who does not receive Jesus Christ into the heart by repentance and faith as the ONLY Saviour of the soul.
Great Plains Baptist Divinity School
412 South Hawthorne Ave
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104-4009 605.339.2038