Graduate Courses


Specific Book Bible Study

A thorough study of varying books of the Bible at the discretion of the curriculum Dean trimester by trimester, giving special focus on language structure and other issues of the book.

Bible Discrepancies/Difficulties

Translation and exegesis problems are studied alongside the interpretation of specific Biblical passages.

Survey of the Old Testament

A survey of the Books of the Old Testament examining the historical context, offering a critical explanation of the text and the plot of each book.

Exposition of a Specific Bible Book

An expositional study of varying books of the Bible at the discretion of the curriculum Dean trimester by trimester, giving special focus the doctrinal context in an exposition of the text.

Pauline Epistles

A survey of the letters written by Paul the Apostle examining the historical context, offering an exposition of the text and the plot of each book.

Epistles of Peter & Jude

A survey of the letters written by Peter and Jude examining the historical context, offering an exposition of the text and the plot of each book.


A study of the general principles of biblical interpretation to help us to know how to properly interpret, understand, and apply the Bible, incorporating ancient languages, archaeology, culture and political demographics to exegete passages correctly. The most important law of biblical hermeneutics is that the Bible should be interpreted literally.

Bible Teaching Skills

A course studying the various methods of fruitfully teaching the Scriptures, that teaching has not happened until the student absorbs the content, etc.


Church Finances

This is about the finance program of the local church, including accounting, planning, budgeting, purchasing, borrowing, and building. It includes biblical philosophy, oversight, professionalism, methods, systems and styles for keeping a churchÕs finances accurate and flowing to accomplish its mission.

Church Polity (Baptist)

A study of church government, the constitution & by-laws considering several forms of church government.

Church/State Legal Issues

Laws and court cases relating to the church, church school, related ministries.

Legal Trends & Issues Related to the Ministry

Dealing with issues such as: legal precedence, child abuse, political/moral/social/legal correctness affecting the ministry, as well as governmental protection/enforcement agencies.

Resource Management

A study of individual financial resources and sound management principles.


Bus Ministry - Theory and Practice

An advanced course studying a bus ministry outreach providing transportation to those without means. The course delves into the staff selection and training, the costs, legal issues, bus procurement and maintenance, and includes application.

Applied Church Bus Ministry

This course is an applied studies course requiring actively being a member of a bus team, learning everything necessary about bus management, teamwork, the riders, scheduling and a multitude of related issues.

Applied Youth Work

This course is an applied studies course requiring actual hands-on application as a team member in youth ministries.


Computer Technology & Skills

Credit varies for this course as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. It is a hands-on computer training in literacy, operations, and applications course.

Computer Use in Ministry

A course mixture between classroom and laboratory work working with various programs, creating bulletins, letterheads, flyers, booklets, etc., testing colors, styles, paper, and all aspects of computer usage in ministry.


Counseling Philosophy

A course studying counseling from a Biblical basis emphasizing modifying behavior to a thriving life. This course looks at the psychiatric/psychological/neurotic illness labels and their environment of denial to accept reality and responsible behavior that leads to a thriving life.

Counseling Crisis & Trauma

A Bibliocentric study of crisis and trauma experiences and related counseling methodology.

Suicide Prevention and CPR

A suicide prevention course pulling in several models. This course includes a full CPR certification.


Cult Doctrines & History

The history, beliefs and practices of the most common cults are studied. Research paper required.

Non-Christian World Religions

Study of religious cultures and their influence in world affairs; comparing the major religious systems, their ÒfaithÓ pillars, history, political power and influences on the world scene.

Baptist Distinctives

This course studies the distinctives that make Baptists what they are.

Sacred Theology Defined

An indepth study in any single division of theology.

Sacred Theology I

The three of the nine divisions of theology are studied in depth.

Sacred Theology II

The three of the nine divisions of theology are studied in depth.

Sacred Theology III

The three of the nine divisions of theology are studied in depth.

Teaching Sacred theology

This is a Òstudent teachingÓ course in which the student is given a certain theology to develop an outline, course syllabus, charts, maps, etc., and teaches the course to undergraduate students.


Bibliocentric Educational Philosophy

A study of educational philosophy from a Biblical perspective compared to the secular and humanistic philosophies of educating.

Teaching Children

Teaching children at all age levels. A thorough study of the philosophy, strategies and methods of teaching.

Teaching Basic School Subjects I

To give prospective teachers the necessary teaching skills to teach the basic elementary school subjects. Includes skills for teaching reading, mathematics, science, history, english and developing instructional lesson plans.

Teaching Basic School Subjects II

Puts to use skills learned in Part I with mini-teaching sessions in all areas, focusing mainly on elementary level.

Educational Curriculum Development, Philosophy and Design

A study of the mechanics, philosophy, scope and sequence of educational curriculum. Examines the foundation of curriculum, both Christian and secular, to teach curriculum understanding, which is the basis for selecting and maintaining Bibliocentric curriculum.

Christian Academy Ministry

A course studying the scriptures on religious education as applied within the Baptist faith tradition.

Church School Administration

Administering education programs in a Church school with emphasis on the smaller school. Students will also be exposed to practical administrative and supervisory activities under the direction of present and former principals of church schools.

Academic Foundation Development

Development of core curriculum, stressing the methods for developing instructional techniques with attention to learning style, classroom utilization, and visuals as teaching tools.

Church School Finances

Deals with the schoolÕs financial base; budgeting and spending, with emphasis on the smaller school.

Principles of Church School Teaching

Teaching, analyzing and developing of Christian curriculum. and application.


Christian Service

Credit varies for this course as it is an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. The course covers a variety of ministering within a church environment.


Archaeology of Bible Times

A course studying archaeology surrounding the BibleÕs historical environment. A study of the discussions, debates, calander reckoning and effect modern computerizing of the vast amounts of stored information is having on the Bible. A science of archaeology, how it is done, use of computers, details of a dig, and much more is studied in this course.

History of the English Bible

A historical study of the manuscript preservation linage and translating process in the development behind the Received Text English Bible. Also, studies the perversion process of distorted manuscripts. Covers the history of the development, textual families, and preservation of the Received Text.

Old Testament History I & II

A two trimester course studying the chronological history of the Old Testament, people and cultures from Adam to the beginning of the New Testament. The making of a chronological chart overviewing the major events in this history is a part of the course.

Life & Letters of Apostle Paul

This course studies the life of the Apostle Paul delving into his letters historically, chronologically and doctrinally as they apply to his journies.

Harmony of the Life of Christ

This course studies the earthly life and teachings of Jesus Christ as Messiah, harmonizing the four gospels varying versions of His life.

Holy Land Appreciation

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. Credit is given for a tour of the Holy Land. A research paper will be required and will focus on the culture and geographical imagery, and on-site reflections and situations in modern Israel.

History of Modern Missions

A study of modern missions and missionaries, including a look at mission societies, boards, and denominations involved in mission work.

Baptist History - in America

Tracing the ministry of New Testament Baptists from the their entrance into America from 1600 up to the present day. An up-to-date historical analysis of American Christianity and includes a scope of position concerning Baptists, fundamentalism, evangelicalism, liberalism and modernism.

History of Christianity

The history of Christianity as it moved from Jerusalem through the ages; including the history of denominations, their doctrinal development, religious rites, sacraments, holy days, etc.

History of American Education Systems

Covers American education from colonial days to the present. Brings out development of humanism in public school philosophy. Covers development of Christian education in private and Christian schools, its development, and religious foundation, legal challenges, etc.

Selective Readings on Baptist History

The history of Baptists is long and bloody with martyrdom. This course is a study of selected writings of historians about the suffering of our Baptist forefathers.



The science, methodology and techniques of preaching and communication skills.

Preaching Skills Application

Supervised and guided preaching and public speaking application.

Rapid and Efficient Reading

How to read rapidly but efficiently. Rapid reading is discretionary reading and comprehension has to do with thinking skills.

English Composition

A course on writing skills, styles, research, etc., composing a thesis is required.

Foreign Language

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. Credit awarded for certified extension private language tutoring, signing, etc.

Greek (Masters)

College level study of the ancient Greek language. Students study the grammatical structure of the language, including word construction, sentence structures, suffix, prefix additions, pronunciation, etc.

Professional Speech Communication / Public Speaking

The science, methodology, and techniques of oral communication skills and principles in business, professional, and public speaking situations. Application of oral communication skills and principles to business and professional speaking situations. Rhetorical principles in model speeches with application in the various types. Public speaking application is required.


Pastoral Evangelism & Application

A course focusing on Òdo the work of an evangelistÓ for pastors, with emphasis on fruitful evangelistic ministry from the pulpit, in counseling, and throughout their everyday ministry. Shows the difference between evangelizing and proselytizing.

Missions Procedures

A thorough study of the procedures, and actual practice of Bibliocentric missions.

Missions Immersion

Credit varies for this 24/7, inductive visit to a mission work. Each mission work visited qualifies for credit. Thesis is required describing the experience, learning opportunities and conclusions. A cross-cultural immersion in religious affairs.

Missionary Deputation and Departure

An intensive course where graduate students will be exposed to practical mission funds raising under the tutelage of a missionary. Focuses on the philosophy and application of raising funds, church-to-church for serving as a foreign missionary, with the family involved,etc. The course includes preparing for departure by understanding travel visas, items to take and to not take, and many additional issues.

Missions - Gasoline Engine Service and Repair Skills

An basic mechanical course for missionaries who may serve in third-world countries and need to know how to maintain their own machinery.

Missions - Vocational Construction Skills

An basic construction course for missionaries who may serve in third-world countries and need to know how to maintain their own buildings, construct new buildings, and make building repairs.

Extension Ministries of the Local Church

A course about a church extending its ministry into a community. It looks at vacation Bible school, church youth camps, church-adult camps; at opening doors, offering and meeting qualifications to minister in corrections, law enforcement, juvenile and work release facilities, health-care and fire-rescue units, etc. On-site application is involved.

The Chaplain Ministry

General chaplain ministries study: to include corrections, law enforcement, military, hospital,etc. Includes some legal issues, professionalism, uniforms, responsibility, etc.

Ministering inside The Correction's Facility

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. Emphasis on inmate/client relations, conning, responsibility to professionalism, worship services, counseling, some legal issues, uniforms, etc. On site application is part of this course.

Ministering as a Law Enforcement Chaplain

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. Emphasis on officer needs and support, chaplain readiness, crisis management skills, professionalism, counseling, death notices, riding with the officers, some legal issues, uniforms, etc.

Ministering as an Institutional Chaplain

Credit varies for this credit as it is a classroom and applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc. Institutional specific (medical, mental health, health care, etc.) with emphasis on client relations, medical rules, family relations, professionalism, worship services, counseling, some legal issues, etc.

Missions - The Business Part

A study of the missionary's finances, furlough, his pastor's visits to the field, his sending agency/church authority, the bond between the missionary and his church, etc. Teaching prospective missionaries how to prepare for deputation. this course covers presentations, pictures, vehicles, church relations, pastoral relations, finances, etc.


Philosophy of Music

A study in music styles, theory, harmony, pattern, power, etc., of music in general. Uses the Scriptures to show a Biblical principle in music.

Fundamentals of Music

A study of music, including materials, methods, procedures, and related topics of basic singing, vocal parts, reading music, keys, rhythm, scales, intervals and triads, etc. Also includes selection, evaluation, and some understanding of available software.

Bibliocentric Philosophy of Music

A study in music styles, theory, harmony, pattern, power, etc., of music from the Scriptures to show a Biblical philosophy in music the Lord blesses and uses.

Instrumental Skills

Credit varies for this instrumental tutoring skills as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc.

Music & Vocal Technique & Theory

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course for those who sing or play instruments regularly in a church choir, quartet, or solos for a minimum of one year. Private or group tutoring is a pre-requisite for this course.

Vocal Skills

Credit varies for this course and given as an applied studies course for vocal tutoring as an applied studies course with the tutor recommending grades, etc.

Song Leading Application

Leading the song services in many situations, including congregations, choirs, chorals, etc., applying music leading skills, understanding choice of songs, working with instruments, etc.


Professional Leadership / Professionalism in the Pastorate

Teaching leadership as comes from within as an inherent (inward) desire to grow into leaders who are neither born nor made, they are developed. This course includes moral leadership philosophy and application.

Professional Attire and Decorum

Teaching proper business and casual dress for professionals adaptable to many possible situations, includes office decorum, etc.

Professional Etiquette

Teaching proper etiquette for professionals to maintain moderate comfort in many possible situations. Includes mainline etiquette customs, special behavior and general etiquette for state dinners and formal occasions.

The Pastor's Wife

Specifically a study for prospective pastorÕs wives. It covers such topics as: being the churchÕs First Lady, her social life, pastoral assistant, and many other related issues.

Pastoral Administration I

A course in church ministry, studying the faith traditionÕs liturgical formats i.e. weddings, funerals and baptisms. Teaches the development of the service, ceremony styles, related publications, preparation, precounseling, discipleship, evangelism, etc.

Pastoral Administration II

A continuing course in church ministry, intensively hands-on application understanding and performing the ancient, Biblical exposition of the Baptist faith tradition's liturgical formats i.e. weddings, funerals and baptisms. Requires the development and performance of all church services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, LordÕs supper service, ordinations, commissionings, etc.

Pastor - Staff Relations

Focuses on the larger church ministries where there are multiple staff. This course looks at understanding the staff needed, choosing staff, training the staff, and working with staff in their various functions. Also looks at replacing staff for good reasons and for bad.

Problems in the Pastorate

Dealing with the most common problems encountered in the pastorate. Procedures for solving pastorate problems are studied from a Bibliocentric premise.

Principle of Leadership & Church Management

A course primarily for training in the skills needed to lead and manage both volunteer and paid staff of a fruitful church ministry.


Martial Arts

Credit is given to those students of a martial art, who fulfill regular requirements of achievement skills, signed off by a certified instructor.

Physical Fitness

Credit is given to those students in a regular physical fitness program, who fulfill regular requirements of achievement, signed off by a certified instructor.


Bibliocentric (Christian) Ethics

A study of Ethics from a Biblical perspective looking at modern social issues in light of Biblical moral philosophies.

Modern Social Issues

A Bibliocentric study of selected morally related issues in relationship to Christian ethics. Several books are an included reading requirement.

Bibliocentric Marriage and Family

Marriage and Family are studied from a Bibliocentric focus, as an institution designed of God; patterns, dangers, applications, warnings, and glories of family and child rearing are presented as an institute for fruitful and joyful lives. Development, discipline and other related issues are studied.

The Nuclear Family / The Modern Family

A course looking at the modern family unit as a couple (male and female) and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit, studying the modern social negative effects on that unit and suggested countermeasures.


Undergraduate Courses
Graduate Courses
Post Graduate Courses