Thanks for visiting the Great Plains Baptist Divinity School web site. Within this site you'll find all kinds of information about our school. To the right, you should find several quick links and short snippets of information that will help you get started in your visit to our web site. Above you can find the navigation that goes to various sections of our site. These include the in-depth history of our school and the various programs and faculty members at GPBDS. At the very top right of the page, there is a link to the Empire Baptist Temple, the local New Testament Church which owns, operates, and authorizes the Great Plains Baptist Divinity School / Great Plains Baptist University. If you still have questions after browsing our site, you can always contact our school office or school faculty members via phone or email. |
UPCOMING EVENTS Apr 24-26 -- Final Exams May 10 -- Summer Trimester Begins Sep 4 -- Fall Trimester Begins Jan 8 -- Winter Trimester Begins |